
Disclaimer:  Yeah yeah, all the boring stuff is here.  I assume no liability for your dumb ass should you get caught, hurt, or whatever else.  I would greatly appreciate it if you would not steal my photos, (ask me, I'll probably be more than happy to give you permission).  Do not re-post my content without permission, [should I find it, I could technically sue you for just about everything you own... and again, just ask... So much better that way]  I busted my ass to get them (literally), and expect most of you, in most cases, to do the same.  TRESPASSING IS ILLEGAL, and you can be charged with it.


The photographs and information on this site are only for entertainment and historic purpose.  Neither the owner of this site, or any partner/affiliate, will be held liable for your injury/death [whether long or short term] or arrest.  Most of the places shown are listed as private property, and are patrolled.  This is up to and including: Police [local and state], security/guards [armed or otherwise], dogs, cautious civilians, and others; Most have the power to arrest you.  Trespassing can lead to fines and/or arrest, you have been warned!

Should you happen across any sort of patrol, police or otherwise, BE POLITE.  I say this because YOU ARE IN THE WRONG as a trespasser!  Do not make the situation more difficult than it needs to be.  These people are just doing their job, and trying to watch out for your well being.  They do not need nor deserve any hostility.

Also, please note that the structural integrity of these locations is not guaranteed by any means.  These places are abandoned for a reason:  They have been neglected and are hazardous.  Beware of toxic molds, asbestos, lead, tetanus, and miscellaneous chemicals, as well as the structure itself collapsing.

Do not re-post any of the content from this site without permission.  No exceptions.  I am not a difficult person to talk to.  I may ask you some simple questions as to the use of said content, and will most likely give you permission.  I will retain the proof of permission, so I will know if a site has it by another means.

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